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All translations - nataxinhamn

Source language
Target language

Results 1 - 4 of about 4
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
English I already wanted to stop time
I already wanted to stop time
It is a phrase with a meaning very important to me and the language of my descendants, so I wanted the translation to make a tattoo.

Wanted - synonyms: aim, wishes, desires.

Time - synonyms: time, period.

Thank you.

Completed translations
Hebrew אני כבר ייחלתי לעצירתו של הזמן
Arabic أنا فعلا أردت إيقاف الوقت
Source language
Finnish Tarja hurmasi suurlähettilään juhlissa
Tarja hurmasi suurlähettilään juhlissa

Completed translations
English Tarja Charms All at the Ambassador's Party
Portuguese brazilian Tarja encantou o embaixador nas festas